Ground Handling Services

Swissport, one of Australia’s leading specialist air support services, manages some of the key elements of the on-ground airport operations.

Request for services to be made directly with Swissport on

Priority services include:

  • Check-in services
  • Ticketing and reservations
  • Transfer and arrivals services
  • Departure gate services
  • Lounge management
  • Baggage services
  • Special assistance and VIP
  • Flight disruption coordination
  • Airside & airport bussing
  • Airport trolley supply and management

The service team also delivers ‘tarmac’ services demanding high standards of efficiency and safety.

These tasks include:

  • Aircraft loading and unloading
  • Cargo loading and unloading
  • Baggage transfer and transportation
  • Receipt and dispatch services
  • Pushback and towing
  • Cabin cleaning
  • Aircraft waste and water services
  • Catering

Aircraft Parking

Systems are in place to ensure the orderly and efficient parking of aircraft while they’re at Broome Airport.

All aircraft not based at BIA must request parking in advance, following clearly defined procedures.

Operators of aircraft which do not have a dedicated parking position allocated must send a BIA Parking Request Form to the relevant emails. 

The ITINERANT GA parking position is for Code A and B aircraft up to a maximum 15m wingspan only, and is located East of TWY G. There is limited parking for approximately 8 aircraft.

If this area is not available, you must make contact with the on-duty groundsman on 0437 900 566. If you are parked in the wrong location, you may be asked to relocate.

ITINERANT HELICOPTER parking is available at the Northern Pad, located off TWY F, East of the Engine Run-up Bay.

All international arrivals/departures must complete the BIA parking request form.

You are required to contact BIA to confirm your parking position and you must contact Customs/Immigration and Quarantine separate to this form.
