Media Policy

Broome International Airport (BIA) is responsible for the safe and secure operation of the Airport, its terminals, grounds, and other airport facilities.

  • Receive advance approval for camera crews to film at BIA. Whilst we understand that breaking news does not always allow for a great deal of warning, we still require as much notice as possible.
  • Media must comply with requests and directions from airport staff.
  • Media must display or be able to produce identification when requested.
  • Media must not interrupt or interfere with normal operations at the Airport. Any media interrupting operations will be requested to leave the airport precinct.
  • No filming or photography is permitted at security screening points.
  • Do not film security staff, or individuals dealing with security equipment.
  • Avoid filming in areas where passengers and staff cannot move away from cameras.
  • Requests to film check-in counters, airline branding and interviewing staff or passengers should be made in the first instance to the relevant airline. If the airline’s consent is not obtained, permission from BIA to film will not be granted. BIA must be advised if consent is granted.